
Good News

Good News

There are no awards for this [perhaps there should be?] but we have been told by our Account Manager of the supplier who audited us for their Code of Practice compliance that, not only did Utility Assist passed, but he had, and I quote, ‘NEVER seen an audit pass without a breach - that's amazing!

Pat on the backs all round and a heartfelt thank you to the whole Team and yet another major confidence builder for our customers.


Energy saving guide for hotels

The Carbon Trust estimates that you could cut your hotel's energy bills by as much as 20% just by implementing ...

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Changes to Capacity Market & Energy Intensive Industries Exemption Legislation

The energy market is changing and the Government is proposing some reforms that could potentially affect all busine ...

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Electricity Industry Changes - Line Loss Codes to change

There are industry changes being made to Line Loss Factor Class (LLFC) Identifier codes which we want to make you a ...

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